May you live in tumultuous times. Dateline: 16th January 2024

 As is the theory of the doctrine of the Lost Modern Grant (since abolished by statute), there are certain things 'back to which the memory does not runeth back".

The mobilisation of Houthi terrorists in the gulf, the US supported by meagre head shaking and finger waving by Australia, and the ongoing distress in the Gaza Strip (not a club, but a piece of land within/adjacent to Israel) are only examples of the dislocation and war footing taken up at 8 Nixon St.

All parties have taken a step back, without intervention from the impotent United Nations or the International Court of Justice. So, a new day is dawning - peace in our time.

People are indeed waking up in 8 Nixon St, refreshed and urgent for attacking the worms of the day - Nell and Harper rise about 8pm. PK about 7pm, but on the other hand, is so shagged out by 7pm, needs to be carried to bed and have a story read to him by Harper, and his pyjamas helped on by someone under 5 years old.
Moose, the other quasi permanent resident at 8 Nixon has been seen squeezing his head at the dog park, when PK takes him for a walk to tire him out - Moose that is. The weather has been kind, and warm, and chasing the ball for a crippled dog is as much fun as he can expect (Moose that is).
Alternative occupation venues available to those who complain that 8 Nixon St is 'just not big enough for the big heads' - include the Tasmanian Club - seen here on PK and Rosa attending for their first lunch in the main dining room. As a backstop, a week in the club, with breakfast and lunch available, snooker for exercise, and bed sheets washed weekly, might be a place for light relief.
Or travel to central Australia
Or go sailing with Jack Nicholson and crew from those others who fly over the coocoos' nest 
Do as father CR Kimber did once, take a BMW and drive to the West Coast of Tasmania dressed in wartime air force coat
Or just simply imbibe to remember to forget. Above image: the great Cascade lager sign now installed at alternative accommodation 7 North Bruny Main Road.
But on reflection, it is all going well at 8 Nixon St. All hands to the pump: Justin and trailer, Sarah packing from 7 Nixon, Nell and PAK redistributing possessions from 8 Nixon to Highfield and/or the tip and /or St Vincent de Paul, and Harper helping out caring for dogs, adults, mothers.
Events were lightened up with a Christmas street party, at the junction of Nixon and Marsden St. Image: Justin and Sarah - just weeks before the demolition of their home, and the exponential increase in their mortgage debt. What's not to smile about?
And lovely little fairies joined us at the street breakfast, escorted across the road by ultra cautious pregnant mother. Boy Child 1 in utero 
Meanwhile, when all around seems a little dark, just be thankful - if you are a pregnant mother, that you are just having one Boy Child, not two, as did Will and Camille, our neighbours nearby in King St (Image: Nixon St Breakfast Party 2024)
Just one glass, some ham, a croissant, and a brief chat with all of our neighbours allowed out
Proclamation read by Senator Harper Jean Hogan: "Enjoy your day"
Meanwhile, up in "upper Battery Point" the lunacy bug is hitting hard, with Saxby having decorated his front door in an effort to welcome parking meter attendants, Russians, and bottom halves of boneyard bodies. A little wicker chair provides an opportunity to rest weary legs for the bottom half bag of bones as they rattle their dags to get to Mona St on time
Game play: at the shack, another opportunity for time away from home
Dress up, and provide rum for friends
Improve your mind. Learn to accept defeat (as the Ukrainian said to the Palestinian, or the Russian said to the Israeli)
Christmas day comes but once a year
Time for a beer
Or enjoy improving your game of snooker at the club one rainy Sunday arvo
Scenes from Bruny: main bedroom window, before removal and replacement
Shed window: replaced and much better for it
Legal advice available for free for all inmates of 8 and 7 Nixon St from High Court admitted legal practitioner, but not if it relates to acts of violence from one inmate against another (conflict of interest)
Alternative food sources, when the fridge can hold no more
Take time to smell the flowers - mind you, these daisies do not have any aroma. Go figure
Sun rise over the shed. Remember: not all alternative accommodation is better than that which you have now
And when all else is not the most attractive alternative, pause for a moment and share a rum.
