Day Zero: 17th December 2023 - 8 Nixon Residents Swelling and Expanding

 Sunday 17th, Josh Jones and family last day of Tas holiday before they head back to Brisbane tomorrow, then down to Sydney for Christmas. Meanwhile, the current full time residents: Moose and PK are enjoying fine weather, and the anticipation of the entrance of Camille, Alex, Harper tomorrow at 0900hrs.

The home is full to swelling with 'plant and equipment' - extra beds, with need to relocate some, and paintings (of Moose), boxes of materials for various rooms - exported from NSW last week.

A little bit of shuffling to occur Monday/Tuesday.

We locals are very much looking forward to welcoming the Hogans, and settling in for Christmas day in the backyard, and then the time to New Year at Bruny.

More to come...
