Day 2: Tuesday 19th December 2023 - Death Threats: Risks Contained

 Sometimes advice isn't taken on board immediately, but is savoured for further consideration, and initial reaction is to reject even the discussion as 'irrelevant at the time'. That was the situation over the hot stove at dinner time at 8 Nixon St on Day 2. 

Casual observer Justin Black put on a 'wry smile' -- indicating to any who understand dog reactions, that the wag of the tail often indicates embarrassment not consensus.

"Don't push the vegetables into the pot with the sharp side of the knife, you blunt it"

"I haven't time for you to tell me what to do now, bugger off or I'll stab you to death"

"No! I don't want you to blunt my knives" [indicating implicitly an acceptance that death or serious stomach stab wounds are acceptable as long as the knives aren't blunted].

Camille to the blue corner. PK to the red corner. No further discussion on the issue.

We had the company of Jemima, Remy (female, at this time), Jasmine and Sol Foster for a play session - very successful (unlike play dates with Moose Dog and Bonnie Dog - yet to be done without death threats).

Meanwhile, more productively, Alex and PK fixed the gate at Highfield, and Justin took a load of PK's personal belongings and beds to Highfield to be lost into the bowels of this magnificent 'funding centre'.

Alex, under tutelage from Nell and direct advice at 2 paint shops, bought the necessaries to paint the front room (Harpers). Prep work began.

Tomorrow: removal of things heretofore considered valuable to the tip shop or tip, and some under careful scrutiny to go to Highfield. Meanwhile also, the females will visit the renamed Chloe and Alice at Sorell, in lieu of her parents making contact this year, or last....
