Day 1: no deaths so far

 Sydney Hogans arose at 4am and caught the 7am flight to Hobart. Discarded at the airport by Alex's mum's partner Greg, they trundled their numerous last items of luggage to the Virgin aeroplane. Arriving at 0910hrs, items collected, and into Sarah's car under last ditch command of Abuelo P Kimber, the trip to 8 Nixon St was uneventful. Harper was very enthusiastic, and happy. Alex likewise is comfortable with the holiday and move. Camille had us all under consideration to ensure our way of thinking aligned with the appropriate way to deal with things.

Back at 8 Nix, the huge amount of chattels presented initial problems of access. We agreed on a 'set the bedrooms up, and get everything out of them that don't need to be there'. So Alex and PK went out to the backyard, and manufactured a job in the shed.

Camille, finding it difficult to bend over due the engorged stomach area, complained of a 'pain in the arse'. Alex wasn't in the room, so PK assumed it was him. NO! It was a literal meaning. I asked if she had accidentally gone to sleep on the Defence Minister's couch in Parliament house, but that didn't seem to be the cause.

The bed being installed needed 8 large bolts - they were missing. Alex and PK went to 'Nuts and Bolts' and obtained source material, and worked it in the lathe in the shed, to replace the missing bolts. Nell then found the old bolts attached to the electric bike. Who would have thought? What mistake did we make? 

Lunch over, Dot and Mont presented to welcome the family to Hobart, and the Josh Jones Kids played in a very friendly manner with the Harper. As I write, Alex has flaked on the new bed arrangement, and I'm about to duck upstairs for the same.

Rosie was called in from Canada to participate in Harper playing with the dolls, and advice on washing the chandelier - all achieved with grace.

So, half of day 1 complete with no incidents.
